A place to share our story.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Today was the first time this season that we were able to get out and play in the fresh snow.
At the bus stop this morning, I watched Logan go sledding down the neighbors driveway again and again. He is SO excited to have enough snow on the ground to go sledding down our big hill--hopefully soon.

Later this morning, Marshall and I made our way outside to play as well.
Then we followed it up with some warm chocolate, since Marshall doesn't like his drinks too hot :).

We shoveled a letter "M" for Marshall

Our lake is just starting to freeze, which is always a little sad for me, since I like to see the water moving out there.
I can hardly believe I am saying this, but I am really ready for a little more snow on the ground too.
I am trying to embrace the winter this year, I guess. We'll see how long I can manage to stay in the winter spirit.


  1. Fun! :)
    You guys got a little more snow than we did for sure.
    I need to pump up my winter spirit. :)

  2. Awesome! I bet today you guys have a lot to shovel too! Such beautiful snow!
