A place to share our story.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Past Few Weeks

Just because I haven't blogged in awhile doesn't mean I don't have fun pictures to share. It also doesn't mean that I have a lot of time for words, so I'll share the pictures and you can see for yourself what we've been up to.


Logan and Marshall opened up their own auto repair shop.

Homemade cardboard house in the basement.

"Wacky Wednesday" at school.
Helping Mom make soup on a day off school.

I think Marshall's shirt says it all.

Early 60th birthday celebration for Dad at Osaka.

Super excited about birthday cake with Grandpa!

Happy Birthday Grandpa!



  1. Fun!!! Your boys sure are blessed to have you!

  2. Looks like tons of fun!!!! Maybe you should hire me to be your assistant. ;)
