A place to share our story.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Our New House

It's been almost 2 months since we moved. We are finally feeling completely settled in and comfortable. There are still things that need to be done, such as painting, garage organizing, and yard work, but overall, I am feeling pretty accomplished.

I have posted a few pictures of the inside of our house in my previous posts, but I wanted to dedicate this post to a deeper look inside.

Since some of my friends and family can't or don't often make it down here, I thought I'd let you peek inside from the blog.

Front Porch

Front of house from last fall (with green grass and bushes)

Back of house

Mud Room


Living Room

Front Office

Front Entry
Sun Room

Dining Room

Dining Room


Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom
Brady's Room

Brady's Room

Logan's Room
Logan's Room

Marshall's Room

Marshall's Room
Kid's Bathroom

Basement Area

Play Room

Play Room

Basement Bathroom