A place to share our story.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Happy 5th Birthday Marshall!

My baby turned 5 a couple weeks ago. It's still sinking in fully, but I'm trying hard not to let it.
My days of being a mommy to babies and toddlers is over. I now have 3 boys who'll be doing full time school work next year. It's hard to let go, but exciting to watch them learn and grow at the same time.
I am so proud of Marshall and how much he has learned and matured in the past year. He is reading, writing, and doing math. He is making friends and he'll soon be playing soccer. He rides his bike alone on the sidewalk, asks constantly to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa, and brushes his teeth by himself. He is really showing a lot of independence. Marshall got his own library card yesterday and he is SO proud of it! He has literally been carrying it around with him everywhere he goes.
While I am so proud of his growth, I do love that he still needs me...
He needs me to give an extra kiss before heading into Sunday school or the kid's room at Lifetime. He still holds my hand in parking lots, stores, and in the swimming pool. He needs my help to take a bath and make lunch, and I really like feeling needed :).

Today we are going to enjoy the wonderful weather and spend some time at the MN zoo! One benefit of having older children is that we no longer need to drag our stroller around when we go. Of course, the downside to this is that we have no place to stash our jackets if we get hot :).

Here are some pictures from the party.

I love how he was adoring Mickey on the cake.

Friday, March 20, 2015

All Settled In

Well, it's been almost 3 weeks since we moved now.
The first week was spent unpacking boxes as quickly as possible, so we could return to living as normal.
The second week was spent dealing with a terrible stomach bug that slowly moved through our house, getting us each one by one. Brady had it the hardest, even going in to the ER one night.
Now that we are past the pain of unpacking, and now that we are all healthy again, it has been nice to complete the final finishing touches of the new house.

There are still a few things to take care of, such as some painting, garage tidying, wall hangings, and yard work, but overall, I am feeling very content with where we are at.
Tomorrow is Marshall's 5th birthday party! WOW!
I am excited to let our family see the new house and to celebrate my baby boy becoming a big boy.


Our New House (picture from last fall)

Living Room

Marshall's been practicing writing our new address (he was also writing "ostrich, giraffe, and pig")