Spring has finally arrived! Actually, today even feels a bit more like summer and the pools are already up and warming in the bright sunshine.
We have also started to picnic again--one of my favorite summer past times.
I don't plan on posting pics of every picnic we take this year, nor do I plan on counting them, as we have done in the past.
But, since it's just the start and has so far been mostly Marshall and I, I wanted to share some of our "first" picnic pictures with you.
Indoor picnic at Edinborough Park on May 13th |
MN Zoo on May 18th |
Picnic on the deck at our house on May 20th. |
Front yard on May 22 |
On the deck on May 28 |
Picnic at Dakota Estates Park in Farmington today, May 29.
I know we also ate dinner outside on Friday, May 23, to kick off the holiday weekend.
I love eating outside with the warm sunshine and warm winds. I also love not having to sweep the kitchen floor or wipe down the table when we are done ;)
Here are a couple other fun pictures from the past few weeks.
Logan's last track meet (he's in red). |
Chef Marshall making M&M cookies to share with friends. |
Logan receiving his track award. |
Boys at the MN Zoo |
Logan, at his school's Animal Science Fair yesterday. His animal was a Cobra! |
Playing at the park today.